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Bertoldos Bakery Cup 2024

See other club results at Events

Rank Name Race 1 Race 2 Race 3 Race 4 Race 5 Race 6 Total Corrected
1 Mia Stockwell 18 18 17 20 17 18 108 108
2 Brad Hart 20 14 13 16 20 20 103 103
3 Moreno Chiappin 16 17 14 19 16 17 99 99
4 Stephen Bertoldo 15 10 16 13 13 12 79 79
5 Craig Tilston 13 16 14 15 16 74 74
6 Grant Elwin 16 15 10 18 14 73 73
7 Peter Stockwell 16 11 15 16 15 73 73
8 Michael Wynne 10 11 17 12 14 64 64
9 Jason Minato 19 10 14 19 62 62
10 Andrew Ritchie 17 13 12 19 61 61
11 Malcolm Blake 10 18 18 12 58 58
12 Tara Payne 16 14 12 12 54 54
13 Richard Hore 10 16 10 15 51 51
14 Rodney Savage 14 19 16 49 49
15 Robert Minato 16 14 12 42 42
16 Tony Jones 12 10 10 32 32
17 Ralph Hales 16 14 30 30
18 Patrick Payne 20 20 20
19 Mathew Smith 20 20 20
20 Nigel Dunstone 19 19 19
21 John Keenan 16 16 16
22 Paul Muir 16 16 16
23 Bronwyn Jones 13 13 13
24 Bryce O'Garey 12 12 12
25 Matt Conradie 10 10 10
Coffee Machine
  • Coffee Machine
  • cycling coffee i
  • cycling coffee i
  • Griffith Vineyard
  • Griffith Vineyard
  • Vineyard
  • Vineyard
  • oranges
  • oranges
  • Visit Griffith wineries
  • Visit Griffith wineries
  • Cocoparra
  • Cocoparra
  • Griffith crops
  • Griffith crops
  • Autumn Darlington Point
  • Autumn Darlington Point
  • Griffith Cotton Harvest
  • Griffith Cotton Harvest
  • Griffith harvest
  • Griffith harvest
  • Griffith Street
  • Griffith Street
  • Prune Industry
  • Prune Industry
  • Riverina Tourism
  • Riverina Tourism